Body + Energy Work

Discover body work by The Desert Canary to ease your tension, mental and physical, improve your mobility, and relax down to your core . Each modality has been added to our menu based on the express concerns of our patients. When need arises repeatedly for relief, we explore the best providers and techniques available to help you restore health and maintain wellbeing. Our practitioners have often created their own curated experiences for you over many years of honing their craft to optimize healing.

Lymphatic Massage Therapy

A specific healing technique to prime your lymph for optimized function and flow. The intricate lymph system is responsible for a host of functions in the body, including managing toxins and cellular debris, fluid distribution, and immune support. 

We have elevated this massage of intrinsic rhythms with subtle myofascial stretching and our signature vibrational movement to ensure effective movement of lymph fluid to improve your overall health and vitality.

Lymphatic Massage 60 mins, $165, 90 mins, $195

LMT Upper Body, Head/Neck Focus 60 mins, $165

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology 90 mins, $365

  • feeling bloated

    sluggish digestion

    heaviness in limbs

    need a boost to the immune system

    puffiness in the face or overall

    postpartum puffiness/swelling

  • feel lighter

    regulates digestion

    less bloating

    less puffiness

    improved immune responses

    less edema in limbs

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology: LET Massage

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology (LET) helps mobilize stagnant hormones, fluid, and helps break up fibrocystic changes in the tissue. This promotes your body’s natural detoxification, elimination, and healing processes, fortifying the lymphatic system, digestive system, liver and gall bladder. LET is considered more powerful than manual lymphatic massage, and is meant to complement the manual technique.

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology is a new and innovative approach to lymphatic release, combining both the use of an electronic device and manual stimulation techniques. LET improves lymphatic release and increases lymph flow. The device provides various fields of frequencies via electrostatic current, sound waves and light therapy with the intention of stimulating the lymphatic capillaries to increase the fluid movement, removing metabolic waste and assist with breaking down protein-rich fluid in the tissue space.

LET is designed to detoxify the soft tissue, improve immune system function and to reduce swelling and congestion in the tissues.  When the lymph system gets sluggish or blocked, inflammation begins and it becomes a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells.   A series of sessions is the most effective way to achieve the best results.

LET Therapy, 90 mins, $365

  • pregnancy

    active cancer, undiagnosed lumps or tumors

    pacemaker or other implanted medical devices

    medicine pumps

    congestive heart failure

    open wounds/lesions

    skin infections

    please check with your medical provider if you are unsure if this technique is suitable for you

  • breast or other implants


    please note: if you have a medical condition, consult with our team/your doctor to see if this is right for you.

  • clean dry skin is best, limit or avoid lotions, oils, thick deodorant, etc

    stay hydrated before and after your session

    tinctures recommended include Zuma Fulvic with Ocean Minerals and the Lymphatic Tonic

  • Works especially well with Red Light Therapy (Vitality Booth, and ongoing manual lymphatic therapy.

Brain Alignment Therapy

Brain Alignment Therapy

The next realm of therapy, this unique treatment addresses the brain nuclei, brain mobility and spinal cord mobility to help you feel more emotionally regulated, less foggy, and less pain. This outcome is achieved through fine-tuned perceptual skills in addressing tissue microstructures with gentle touch. This can create an immediate release in fascia, bone or joint tension.

Gentle brain release addresses trauma to the head or brain. The practitioner gently brings awareness to any cellular fear in the brain and create a safe space of consciousness to the trauma held in the brain.

We then watch for the very needed energetic subtle discharge that is associated with trauma. We are addressing and witnessing the downregulation of the nervous system. When we don’t allow our bodies to shake or downregulate, our brains get stuck in a vortex of disretulation, and often shut down or hyer-react.

This protocol is for people with brain fog, anxiety, emotional disregulation, and chronic pain, Including those who have experienced physical falls or injuries to the head, whiplash, ADHD, headaches, learning disabilities, surgeries, anesthesia, and stuck in fight or flight.

This protocol follow specific flow to assure the best outcome and most careful integration.

60 minutes, $165

Initial appointments ensure your paperwork is forwarded to you if this is your first visit with us, and that you have a proper intake/assessment.

  • foggy thinking

    brain injuries

    anxiety, emotional dis-regulation

    chronic pain


    adhd, learning disabilities



    stuck in fight or flight

  • Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety.

By facilitating the body's natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and has been shown to be beneficial for people seeking help with a wide range of healthcare challenges and symptoms (see below).

Here is the nature of this session in practitioner Justin's own words: "I view bodywork as a shared experience where space and sensation meet to support our arrival at subtler layers of comfort throughout life. Craniosacral Therapy is a passive modality that works with energy, emotions, and spinal fluid. I use gentle touch and light holds to help your body find easier ways of being."

Signature Session for The Desert Canary

In a signature session, myofascial release (MFR) and deep tissue with craniosacral are incorporated. MFR is similar to Craniosacral but more active. The technique works with fascia or connective tissue to alleviate restrictions and restore motion. You may experience emotional releases or fluid moving back into areas of the body. Deep tissue requires fine-tuned perception and the ability to sink into the muscle beyond superficial layers so tension resolves. This session is highly customized, sometimes that is a feather-light touch on the abdomen, whereas other areas need more pressure or traction.

Available in the following modules:

Craniosacral Therapy 60 mins, $165

Signature Blended CST Massage

90 mins, $225,

120 mins, $315

Booking the Initial Appointment prompts proper paperwork sent to you - choose initial if you’ve never seen us before! You can also log in and edit your paperwork if you’ve been in but circumstances have changed or your focus has shifted.

  • sleep challenges

    chronic fatigue

    immune disorders

    chronic pain

    emotional imbalances

    anxiety, depression

    stress relief

    innervated feelings/wired

    feeling scattered, not in body

    migraines, headaches

  • There are certain situations where application of CST would not be recommended. These include conditions where a variation and/or slight increase in intracranial pressure would cause instability. Acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage or other preexisting severe bleeding disorders are examples of conditions that could be affected by small intracranial pressure changes. Check with the practitioner upon booking if you have a concern or question.

  • Response varies from person to person and condition to condition, thus number of sessions varies, from once to three times a week over the course of several weeks, to monthly as maintenance of symptoms and health.

  • This treatment compliments acupuncture therapy, cupping, and sound baths for regulating the nervous system. You can pair with the Vitality Booth as well.


In the Japenese language “Ashi” translates to foot and “Atsu” into pressure. Ashiatsu DeepFeet Bar Therapy, is a barefoot massage technique in which the therapist delivers deep, broad, consistent pressure while utilizing their feet and body weight. Ashiatsu elongates muscles and detoxifies. Many ashiatsu strokes help to elongate the spine. These movements dramatically stretch shortened muscles, which help in relieving pain and discomfort. These long fluid strokes also help flush the body’s lymphatic system, which releases metabolic waste at a very high rate. We recommend drinking plenty of water before and after a treatment to help with the detoxification process.

Available in 60 mins $165, and 90 mins $195 sessions

Initial appointments ensure your paperwork is forwarded to you if this is your first visit with us, and that you have a proper intake/assessment.

  • muscle tension

    chronic pain

    reduces stress

    ability for deep tissue

    less soreness post massage

    improve flexibility

    less painful to receive

    improve posture

    muscle recovery

  • Red Light Therapy (Vitality Booth)

    CBD Balm


Massage Therapy

The power of touch, there’s nothing like therapeutic massage to unwind tension, stress, and increase muscle recovery. Massage has countless benefits for the body, from increased blood flow, improved mood, immune system, sleep and more.

Also available prenatal massage, our practitioners are certified in this special technique for safely improving circulation, relieving tension and soothing the body/mind. We offer specialized bolsters for your total comfort. Safe with doctor’s approval after first trimester.

Full Body Therapeutic Massage, Prenatal, Postpartum,

Available in 60 min $165, and 90 min $195 sessions

  • muscle tension

    chronic pain

    weekend warriors

    reduces stress

    targeted relief

    muscle recovery

  • Red Light Therapy (Vitality Booth)

    CBD Balm



Cupping | Guasha


Ancillary Healing Therapies