“Health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

– World Health Organization, 1948


The Desert Canary team is looking forward to working with you to address your concerns. We’d love to make sure you are paired with a pracitioner that suits your goals, and all it takes is a quick phone call. 

Other types of consultations include herbal medicine and women’s health around fertility, both available by phone or zoom. 


Your first session with a practitioner at The Desert Canary is a comprehensive problem solving treatment. Please take a moment to complete the online intake 24 hours prior to arrival for your first visit, and we will explore your goals and history with you when you arrive. Your practitioner will then tailor a full acupuncture and/or cupping treatment to your needs.  

Please allow 24 hours notification for proper cancellation and rescheduling. Thank you